Oh Life – your daily journal


Your daily private journal

How many times we have decided in a resolute way to write that daily journal, bought that expensive leather bound journal with handmade paper, only to vanish that resolution into thin air with our incompetence.

Not anymore. Ohlife is there for you. The registration comes free, the process is simplicity at its best, and your privacy is guaranteed. We recommend that you make use of the three simple step process of Ohlife after you register.

1. Every day at a time of your choice asking you “how’d your day go”.

2. You reply to the email, writing your heart out. Even if you don’t feel like, you can express your feelings in a day or two.

3. That’s it. Your daily journal appears in a neat timeline in Ohlife

The best part is when you choose the option to allow Ohlife to send you a random selection of your past journals along with the daily email. It makes this experience so better and worthwhile.

Try Ohlife and we bet you will never regret it.

Happy journaling……

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